Archives for August 2011

It’s my party…

and I’ll eat cake how I want to!








… as I have been reading about mindfulness, one of the points that really caught my attention is that to be mindful is not to be perfect.  It’s about coming to a space where you see where you are, and fully accept where you are, how you are, and who you are.

… and one of the areas that I have fully come to accept about myself is this:  I am a topping girl.  Let me explain…

I love THIS much frosting with about this much cake. (Many years ago, a friend gave me a tub of frosting for my birthday.  Best.present.ever.)

Love the chocolate chips… could take or leave the cookie

Love pie guts… can’t stand the crust

I’d love to split an oreo with you… I’ll slurp out the cream and you can have the cookie part

creme filled donuts… love em… minus the donut

I’ll lick the topping right off the donut… then throw away the rest (a trait, which incidentally two of my kids have picked up… and makes me laugh every time I see it in action)


I know this is not exactly ‘kosher’ behavior, so I try to act like the rest of you ‘normal’ people when eating, and pretend that I like it all the same.

But on my Birthday, when my hubby brings home a double dose chocolate cake from the best bakery in town…

I have absolutely no qualms about turning this:



into this:












Yes, I even funneled out the mouse-like layer divider… and didn’t bat an eye…

ya know… because I’m mindful like that ;).

On Your Mark…

… since moving into the new house,
… which has barely beige walls,
… painted in flat paint
… I have had many opportunities to clean these…








(okay, quite honestly, the only times I have really cleaned them are times when company is coming, and I suddenly look around and see all of the little ‘handy’ work of the kiddos on the walls)

… and I oftentimes chant to myself something my mom has told me before, “you will miss this when they are all gone… you will miss this when they are all gone…”

On one particular wall-wiping occasion, which took a bit longer than usual, thanks in part to our lovely Joshy, who by the looks of the walls was afraid he would forget how to find his way back up from the basement, so made himself a little chocolate hand trail to follow… I started thinking about ‘leaving your mark on the world’ and began a thought process that I will attempt to recreate here…

WARNING: kind of weird, deep-thoughtish-not-completely-put-together thoughts coming through…
There. Consider yourself warned…

I started thinking about the role of motherhood (which started out with something like, “really? REALLY?! Will I REALLY miss this when they are all gone?!)…

And I started thinking about how in today’s society the actual role of mother is so knocked down. Sure, people give it the ‘lip service’ like saying, ‘oh, motherhood is the hardest job of all’… or, ‘every mother is a working woman’…

But, unless one has truly been in the trenches, day in and day out, reorganizing your schedule for the 97th time because you suddenly find yourself cleaning the completely dumped out bottle of sunscreen all over the floor, or fabric softener filling your purse, or get all the kids loaded into the car only to find the last one has had a major diaper blow-out, I don’t think those lip service phrases mean anything. There really is no way you can describe the role of a mother with any cliche or catchy phrase.

Mother hood is…
… simply indescribable.

In both good and bad ways. It’s tough. It’s awesome. It’s sweet. It’s stinky. It’s fun. It’s depressing. It’s enchanting. It’s lonely. It’s pretty much every emotion, every day, every minute showing one extreme change with some sort of emergency or fire to stamp out in some aspect.

… and then there are the moments of ‘ahhh’ when you can find an eye of the storm to just sit and be.
… but then you feel too guilty for simply be-ing.
… so you get up and get busy doing something
… because, c’mon, at the end of the day, you have to have something to show for all of your work.
… and dishes don’t seem to count, you did those yesterday.
… and laundry, also a ditto from yesterday (although you would never know it as clothes have come from nowhere to build a replica of mt. everest in the laundry room).
… and vacuuming, well, you did it this morning, but no one could possibly tell because not one single vacuum line remains in tact.
… and the glistening toilets just hours before are now smoldering pots of sewage left by recently potty-trained-yet-not-expert-aiming users.
… and all the poopy diapers you changed during the day… well, those are just better left in the garbage.

… so what exactly is it that you have to show that you have actually made your mark on the world?

… I am so not an expert in this arena by any means, nor do I propose to have all of the answers.

… but in this particular moment of time (of wiping down Joshy’s chocolate trail home), somehow, somewhere, I found great satisfaction in knowing that I was (hopefully) making my mark in the hearts of 5 little souls that Heavenly Father has gingerly placed in my care. Though I couldn’t put any tangible name to the mark, I became acutely aware of just how important the ‘Mother’s Mark’ is on the heart of every child who enters this world.
… I have felt my own mother’s mark every moment of every day, in ways that I’m sure she will never be aware of. Tiny things that as I look back on my own little lessons in life that I learned at her side, and that I now call back upon as I go through my own moments of wondering what in the world I should do at this particular juncture and can easily answer with a simple question, “what did my mom do in this type of situation?”
… more often then not, the answer is, “she always, always put the needs of her children first, made sure they were comfortable, fed, clothed, kissed, hugged, changed, etc etc before she took one thought for her own comfort or her ‘alone’ time”
… that is a mark that can never be erased in the soul of a child who learned the love of a Heavenly Father through the role of a mother.
… that is a mark that I will work everyday to re-create in the hearts of my own children
… will I be able to create the ‘mother’s mark’ in my own children?
… I may never know in this lifetime…
… but one thing I do know – they have left marks in my heart that will last much, much longer than a chocolate handprint on the wall.

… and yes, I think I will miss those tiny prints guiding my kids back from their basement adventures once their adventures lead them outside the walls of my home and the grasp of my arms.
… so for now, I will be content to wipe off the wall marks, and try to etch in my own marks on their tiny precious hearts.

The End.

The power of the pea!

Our not-quite-so-baby girl is pretty much a clone of me… (yes, even inherited the drama-queen gene, much to the chagrin of hubby whenever that one comes to full force!), down to the super duper sweet tooth.

In fact I think ‘coookeee’ was one of her first words.

… which brings us to this week as I was eating some peas fresh from the pods (yummy!) in the kitchen. (which happened to be by some cookies we had made a day before).

As she walks in, she comes up to me and reaches out her hand (sure that I am eating some of her favorite treat.)

When I gave her the fist pea, this is how it ended up…

yes, she put it on the floor, then stepped on top of it. Kind of a sign that she wasn’t terribly interested… then she walked to the cookies and repeated “cooookeeee”

calling on all of my dietetic lessons, I thought about the studies that have shown that children need to be exposed to a new food up to 11 times before they will actually eat it… (a fact that was much easier to tell people before I had kids – once I entered parental realm, 11 times seemed like a much higher number of times to offer a rejected food!)

So I offered it again…

And much to my surprise…

She went for it!


and again…

Who knew the power of the pea could cut the 11 tries down to 2??!

One small step for the vegetable…
One giant leap for mommy sanity.

There’s something that just feels good

about cooking with color!














This recipe was adapted from one given to me by my incredible sister, and has quickly become a family favorite!  It was originally created with meatballs, (which we have had, and the kids have loved…) but I tweaked it a bit to ‘healthify’ it just a bit and make it with chicken instead 🙂

The result?







… well, it was half gone before I could snap a picture of it!


Here’s the (adapted) recipe:

2-4 cups of cooked, chopped chicken (depending on how chicken-y you want it!)  (if using meatballs, one large bag of meatballs – about 64 ct)

Pour into 9×13 pan

make goop:  saute in a little oil:  1 chopped up red pepper, 1 chopped up green pepper, 1/2 cup chopped onion (optional) 1 medium can pineapple tidbits (drained, but save the juice!)

Pour goop over meat

in sauce pan, combine:

1 1/2 cup chicken broth (or chicken stock, or can make with bouillon)

2 1/2 tbsp corn starch

2 tbsp soy sauce

1/3 cup vinegar

1/2 cup pineapple juice (can use the left over from the tid-bits can!)

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 tsp salt

Stir and heat until bubbly and thickened

Pour over meat and bake at 350 for about 20 minutes (until everything is heated thoroughly


Serve over rice, and try to keep up with the requests for seconds (and thirds…) :).