featured blog posts

Merry “Mad Lib” Christmas

For those here wanting our version of the Mad Lib Christmas Greeting: Here ya go!           It has been one crazy year in the Brewer household, filled with many ups and downs. We spent many hours together exploring different parts of… read more

ooey gooey goodness

This is not exactly the first food post you would expect from a dietitian, but like I said in the intro – some recipes will be good for you, and others, well, will be just plain gooey good!!This… is one of the latter 🙂 and… read more

Riding the Rapids

I took a leadership class.  When we started reading the given book, I have to admit, I didn’t really relate – it was based almost solely on leading in the business world, and in my life of diapers and drippy noses, I am far from… read more

Ahh, the sites of fall…

the leaves… (yes, I realize these are fake… just work with me as I build the image here folks 😉 ). The cozy decor… (too soon for that, you say? Well, then just count yourself lucky that there is no recording of the sounds coming… read more

Smooth Moves!

      Let me be VERY clear. I am not a nutrition fanatic. well, okay, maybe in some respects I am (you’ll have to ask my sister about my GREAT corn meal waffle recipe that warrants mocking to this day!) But normally, I am… read more

saving money

Newest Release!

For LDS Young Women

For LDS Young Women
