Like you, I find myself wearing several hats in any given day. Here is me in a nutshell: I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, dietitian, mormon, worrier, volleyballer, aerobics instructor, skiier, reader, cooker, eater, healthifier, junk food eater, writer, slacker, excuse maker, bread baker, homemaker, couponer, money splurger, motivator, procrasinator, philosopher, poopy diaper changer, laugher and crier. And most of those happen during the course of just one day. 🙂
I served a welfare mission to Guatemala, got my degree in Dietetics from Brigham Young University, then married my husband and hopscotched with him around the country as he completed his medical training. After thinking we may never have kids, I brought home a puppy for my hubby… and the next month got pregnant. With twins. We are now up to 7 kids (and counting?), and still laughing and loving life (almost) every day.